Drywall Taping and Finishing

Why I Don't Like Wet Sanding Drywall

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Wet sanding drywall is the process of using a wet down flat sponge to "smooth out" the bumps and ridges between coats. I don't like wet sanding drywall for the following reasons:

  • Wet sanding removes too much compound too quickly.
  • An uneven surface is quickly generated.  The humps and bumps are smoother yes, but they are there.  Instead of wet sanding, use a 10-inch dry knife to knock off the humps and bumps.
  • I tried wet sanding several times and the results were not good.  I often ended up "wet sanding" off much of my compound only to start over with new coats.
  • I know of some professionals who stay away from wet sanding, even though there are probably many that have mastered this.

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